Thursday 23 April 2020

Do you know that you can’t pour from an empty cup? If you’re pouring love from that, the person will only receive that amount of love and that’s also the reason why that’s going to be the amount you’ll receive. How much love have you given yourself? You attract what you give to yourself. So give yourself what you rightfully deserve.
Stop giving pieces of yourself to people who don’t value you. Stop allowing them to walk all over you and leave. Stop doing this to yourself. You should know that there are going to be people who will value you. There are going to be people who will choose to stay.

Use this time, this time to chase your dreams, to work on what you want to achieve. Use this time for self-betterment. Use this time for you. Use this time you have to yourself for yourself. You are created to just be you. So be the best you that you can.

Everything else will seem trivial. Let what passes you pass and what comes to you come. Be open to opportunities and learn to let go of the doors that are being closed for you. There’s always going to be another door, another place.

Move forward and you will find what’s awaiting you all this while. Give yourself another chance for growth, for love, for meaning. Give yourself that even when it gets difficult to see who you are amidst everything that you have gone through.

Please, please, know your value. You are worth Allah. remember that okay?
 Remember this, sometimes the rejections you face are in reality Allah’s way to bring you to what He has chosen for you. Don’t be disheartened when you’ve been turned down multiple times. The best is always not easy to get to. And perhaps, like him ﷺ, you are reserved to bless the one Allah has chosen for you. Rejections are redirections. They are not an indication of your worth.