Wednesday, 11 January 2012

no pain no gain

A few days ago, tons of assignments were killing me softly. Yes, from 2 weeks ago, I was being attacked by lot of assignments. Actually, the assignments are not freaky hard. But the thing that I’m very afraid of is the deadline. You know, the deadlines of my assignments are almost every day! Can you imagine that, you haven’t finished all of your assignments then you have to be aware of those deadlines? I think I was going to jump from the 5th floor of my campus because of the pressure HAHAHAHAAAA. But I’m not that stupid at all.
I try to cope with those stress things. From last Friday until Sunday morning, I seize all of my ability to finish my first assignment, mini research. Mini research is a study paper that contains abstract, background, literature review, etc. This project must attain 4000-4500 words. Seems hard? OFCOURSE! In 3 days, all I can do is typing, typing, and typing. I don’t even remember to take a bath or eat! But finally, my mini research finished in the morning of Sunday. It contains 4019 words. Thank God! I’m very grateful that I’m still alive.
My academic pressures haven’t over yet. On Monday, I have to focus on my module. That’s my second assignments and has to be collected on the next day, Tuesday. I have to work harder to do my assignments. Actually, it is the group work. But one of my members is still in Medan. She hasn’t back yet from her hometown. I don’t know why she is very perfunctory with the assignments. Maybe she is just too tired to do it all. So, I have to work harder with my other members, Akmel and Ama. We have to revise and evaluate our module layouts. Seriously, I was very tired body and soul. I realize that all of these pains for the sake of my future, my GPA, so I don’t want to give up. I will do my best. My module get printed on the night of Tuesday, I think you know that my campus has closed at that time. I decide to collect the module the next day, on Wednesday. Fortunately, some of my friends from other groups also haven’t collected the module. So, I collected my module with them. Fyuuuuuh, thanks again God!

Look at the picture below, this is my group's module. Akhirnya bisa selesai juga walau harus dibayar mahal dengan melupakan waktu tidur, mandi, makan, dan santai hahaha

This day is my last day of final exam. Tomorrow I just have to collect my 3rd assignments: Teaching video, Lesson Plan, Syllabus, and Self Reflection. I have done all of them, so I have a few times to relax and take a deep breath. I decide to take my time to update my blog first. One thing that I have learned from my case, “DON’T PUT OFF ANYTHING UNTIL TOMORROW”. Jangan menunda-nunda pekerjaaan deh kalo ga mau stres, tapi kalo udah stress ya nikmati aja. Every decision has their risk, be responsible for your own.

Hahaha I think I will miss my “stressful” time when I’m not a college student anymore :p

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