Thursday 23 April 2020

I know it’s difficult to stop the constant criticisms playing in your mind after being put through situations where you question who you are and what’s good left of you. I know it’s difficult to look past your faults, your flaws, when there are days you find it staring point blank at you and you can’t ignore them. I know it’s difficult when you’ve been treated like you don’t matter and you’ve been walked all over too many times for you to remember only to have to remind yourself again that you actually do matter.

But please know, this discontentment with yourself shows your ingratitude for the person He has made you to be. He puts you through them because He saw what you’re made of and not what you’re lacking. Not many can go through what you have and trust me, if He loves you to send these trials to you, you should love yourself more fiercely for being able to rise above them. I know it hurts and I know how completely broken you are despite how many times you prepare yourself for the inevitable fall. But the more times you’re at it, the faster you rise. That’s what’s important. To see your strength progress that your recovery took lesser time than it used to.

There’s no point whatsoever to bring yourself down any further but to embrace yourself wholeheartedly because Allah has chosen for you this path to be who He wants you to be - perfectly. Stop questioning your journey. Stop burdening yourself with thoughts that you’re too late because you’re not. You are on His time. There’s no one in this entire world worthy of comparing yourself to except with yourself.

Do not make yourself small when you’re meant for bigger things and I hope you believe truly, with the depths of your heart that you have done wonders, that you have achieved and even succeeded at what you’ve put your mind to accomplish. Your belief in yourself will call others to believe in themselves too. So aspire to inspire others to exude that within themselves too. You be the change you want to see in the world. Therefore, spread kindness to yourself first. You are deserving of that and you deserved to be loved by yourself in your entirety

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