Saturday 1 December 2012

A Brainy Young Babe named Winda Yulia

Alhamdulillah, yesterday I got a chance to share Winda’s experience in RRI Bandung. Why could I be there? Actually, one of announcers in RRI for English program is my best friend, Iska. She asked me to be a guest to tell and share ‘Winda’s daily life’. So, these are several things I’m gonna share with you guys (students, college students, juniors, seniors, the teachers, the lecturers, and everyone else….). The program ran quite well with Iska and Kang Mirza as the announcers, Kang Akbar as the operator, and Hana aka me as the guest. For those who didn’t know about the recent news, I will explain it first. I hope this simple sharing will inspire you.

Setiap tahun pemerintah mengadakan program SM3T dimana para mahasiswa dari setiap universitas yang concern sama masalah education bisa berpartisipasi. SM3T ini adalah annual program yang dilaksanakan setiap tahun, program ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian: pendidikan pada tingkat atas (kota besar/big cities), pendidikan pada tingkat menengah (suburb areas), dan pendidikan pada daerah terpencil (rural and impoverished areas).

UPI sebagai universitas yang terkenal akan misi dan visinya dalam memajukan dunia pendidikan selalu menjadi anggota yang mengirimkan banyak mahasiswanya dalam program ini. Salah satunya sahabat saya, Winda Yulia dari pendidikan Matematika UPI 2008. Winda terkenal sangat cerdas dan pintar, ia juga selalu memiliki daya juang tinggi dalam mengajarkan ilmu yang ia miliki pada siapapun. Dia adalah lulusan Pendidikan Matematika UPI dengan suma cumlaude. Selama 4 tahun berada di UPI nilai B-nya hanya 1, yang lainnya A semua. Ga heran dong kalo ketua jurusannya sendiri yang merekomendasikan Winda untuk mengikuti program tersebut. Winda ditempatkan di Aceh Timur bersama beberapa mahasiswa UPI lainnya.

Musibah itu terjadi minggu petang, saat para mahasiswa baru saja pulang dari kota untuk membeli peralatan dan perlengkapan mengajar. Winda (Pendidikan Matematika UPI 2008), Geugeut (Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan), dan dua orang lainnya adalah mahasiswa yang tempat mengajarnya paling jauh yaitu di atas sebuah puncak gunung, Aceh Timur. Pada awalnya mereka tak menyadari bahwa musibah itu akan datang, namun tiba-tiba saat maghrib heavy rain came, the river overflowed, and the boat that Winda and friends rode collapsed. Dua orang mahasiwa selain Winda dan Geugeut selamat, sedangkan Winda dan Geugeut terbawa derasnya air sungai yang meluap.

Winda ditemukan oleh tim SAR pada hari Kamis dengan tubuh yang sudah kembung penuh dengan air. Tim SAR mengatakan bahwa Winda hanyut sepanjang 80 km dari tempat boat terbalik. Sedangkan Geugeut hasn’t been found yet until now.

Sebagai seorang sahabat yang sangat mengenal Winda, saya benar-benar sangat terpukul mendengar kejadian ini. Saya menangis berhari-hari memikirkan kebaikan dan ketulusan Winda, saya tak henti melantunkan Yasin dan surat-surat pendek untuknya. Winda, I miss you already :’’’’’’’’’’)

Winda Yulia is a student of Mathematics Education in UPI batch 2008. As a friend of her, I really get shocked when I’m reading a short message from my boarder mate, Ica on Thursday 29th Nov 2012. The message isAssalamu’alaikum, Innalilllahi wa inna ilayhi rojiun. Winda Yulia, our bestfriend has already passed away. May Allah accept her good deeds and place her in the highest Jannah.”

After reading this mournful message, I can’t prevent my eyes to cry. Yes, I’m crying a lot remembering all the things about her. 

I knew her since 3rd semester when I was doing a group work in my best friend boarder house, Junita and Viga. They introduced me to Winda, they said that Winda is the genius one in Mathematics. She always got the perfect GPA every semester. Yeah, she always got 4 perfectly. I ever ask her “What is the formula to get a perfect GPA?” and she answer “Study hard of course, pray, and always obey your parents.”

Winda Yulia is a superb genius student from Ciamis, West Java. Her senior high school is located in suburb area where the road to get there is quite rocky, but she never ashamed of her hometown because she believes that everyone can be success if they have a willingness to success.

It’s not a joke. Winda is really a diligent student. While my friends and I are watching TV to find an entertainment TV programs after doing a group work, she is still enjoying reading her thick textbooks and practice some exercises. Thumbs up!

Winda is not only smart in terms of college life, but also in social life. She always takes the opportunity to learn from anything. That’s why she decided to participate in university program of teaching in rural and impoverished areas in East Aceh because teaching is her passion especially to help poor and homeless people to get the rights in education. She is known as a professor in her classmates. She never refuses to help everyone else who has a problem in understanding some formulas in Mathematics. She would help her classmates happily if they asked about the complicated exercises.

She took the internship in 2 Junior High School Bandung, and I chose 5 Junior High School. I often go to school together with her because our schools are next each other. She always happy to go to school every day, she loves teaching so much.

Before she left to Aceh, I met her when I want to buy a breakfast.
She called me: “Ssst..ssst..”.
I turn my head back and find Winda.
Me: “Hi Winda, when are you going to Aceh?”
and she answered: “Insya Allah on… (I forgot the exact date actually).”
Me: “Wow, that would be fun, right? Teaching children in rural areas in Aceh.”
Winda: “Yeah, I’m very excited, can’t wait to get there. Don’t forget to pray for me okay.”
Me: “Of course I will, good luck!

I never expect this accident will be happen to my friend, Winda. She is reported that she has already floated in 2 days before the rescuer (Tim SAR) found her. I think I still have a hope that Winda will be saved, but Allah has different plan for her. Allah loves her so much, so He wants to place Winda in a better place, in Jannah. Insya Allah.

Winda, you have taught me lots of things. You taught me to keep studying, keep teaching, keep caring, and keep doing positive things. You never complain when the problems come and difficulties appear. You taught me to study hard and then transfer the knowledge to others sincerely. May you rest in peace and may Allah grant the highest Jannah for her. We all love you and hard to let you go. Thank you for the inspirations you’ve given us. Thanks for the inspiring advices. I will try to be awesome as you are :D 

"Peace be upon you! Enter Paradise for what you did."(Surat an-Nahl: 31-32)

Dear lovely Winda, how’s heaven treating you?

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